Sunday bible study, 9 am

Come join us at 8:45 each Sunday morning for flavored coffee, hot chocolate or donuts as we fellowship and catch up on the news of the week before our study begins at 9 am.

Currently we are walking through Answers in Genesis, a chronological study through the Bible with an emphasis on apologetics.  This study includes relevant video clips for our small group setting.

Morning worship, 10 am

Worship is not something that happens from 10:00-11:00 on Sunday Morning. Worship is 24/7 and is about change. It is an expression of our appreciation to God for all that He has done. It begins in my heart and is demonstrated through my giving, my singing, my witnessing and my serving.  Romans 12:1 says that I am to present my body a living sacrifice which is to be holy, acceptable to God and that is my spiritual service of worship. Our morning worship service culminates in the expository preaching of God's Word.